Follow the trials of Martine, Paul, Renie !Xabbu and the other online adventurers. Sea Of Silver Light exerts an irresistible pull on the reader to discover the secrets at the core of the Otherland system. The spiralling desperation, as they all race against time and a multitude of inexplicable unidentified adverse factors for their survival, results in an uneasy truce and a diverse band of travellers, each beset by personal doubts and demons. They encounter Jongleur, truculent, arrogant and defensive, yet trapped just as they are in the Otherland he thought he created yet no longer controls or understands. The group becomes dispersed through the virtual sub-worlds, endeavouring to unravel the mysteries of The Other before the virtual worlds on which they depend unravel themselves! Their tenuous reality is an appalling environment, made more hostile and lethal by Dread's sadistic amusements. He stalks the little band of hapless heroes who have become trapped in Otherland while seeking to release the children ensnared in comas by some unfathomable connection with The Other. The Brotherhood's patient planning is brought to ruination by two entities: the terrifying psychopathic megalomaniac known as John Dread and the inexplicable fluctuations in power demonstrated by the phenomenal core intelligence of the network, an entity known as "The Other." Dread proceeds to rampage through the hitherto private domains of the shattered Brotherhood, satiating his depravity and utilising his unparalleled power to brutalise or murder all whom he meets, on or offline, simulated information or living person. Their common goal is to use this colossal system to achieve immortality, retaining their mental processes and personalities while utilising body simulations within the Otherland network, able to traverse it at will, exercising the powers of the gods of myth.

Otherland is a private virtual network controlled by the Grail Brotherhood, an idea become reality through the global resources of their leader, Felix Jongleur. Of course, human nature can be a disturbing and fluctuating thing, but Tad Williams seeks to balance the evil, dysfunctional, psychotic greed of one character set by the inherent goodness, selflessness, generosity of spirit and bonding of another. It's an engrossing tale, told with thorough attention to detail the only reliable factor throughout the story is the human emotion of those caught within and involved with Otherland. Sea of Silver Light is a hefty 1,066 pages long - forming the fourth and final part of a truly epic tale that interweaves reality and science-fantasy into a bizarre and bewildering multi-dimensional existence. Tad Williams, Otherland: Sea of Silver Light